Probably the World's Best
Customer Relation Management Software

Manage all Customers on the go

Asalta CRM

Asalta CRM

Asalta CRM Features

Asalta Customer Relationship Management System gives you a view of your complete sales cycle and pipeline, spot opportunities, increase efficiency, and reduce costs with the right answers. We designed Asalta CRM as a simple to use yet powerful CRM system for small business.

Lead Management

Leads are an important part of any sales process and Asalta CRM will help you
streamline your lead management process.

Asalta CRM Program Software Leadsquared

Asalta CRM Program Software Leadsquared

Asalta CRM Manage Software Prospect

Asalta CRM Manage Software Prospect

Prospect Management

You can create prospect to a contact or lead by define the value of the business,
manage pipelines, and Track sales stage of prospect, maintain prospect owner and
can maintain sales pipeline.

Product Management

Create multiple product sizes, colors or any variations you need. You can also
bundle products together to form of packages like gift baskets.

Asalta CRM Stock Product Management

Asalta CRM Stock Product Management

CRM Contact Tracking Management

CRM Contact Tracking Management

Contact Management

Asalta CRM is a great tool to help businesses deal with the vital task of managing
your contacts, organizations, and vendors. Asalta provides Client Management Software
for Small Business to enhance efficiency in greater detail

Invoicing System

Create invoices from orders with just one click Asalta CRM. Track of payment
received for invoices can be made easier.

Asalta CRM Invoice Billing Softwares

Asalta CRM Invoice Billing Softwares

Asalta CRM Sale Module

Asalta CRM Sale Module

User Module

Admin can create users and can assign role for users.

SMS Marketing

SMS Marketing is a key to customer engagement in today’s marketplace which is
used to complement the more widely used email marketing. Despite the growth of
social media marketing, we feel that text marketing (or SMS marketing) is often left
out of the party by small businesses.

CRM Text Messaging and SMS Marketing

CRM Text Messaging and SMS Marketing

CRM Event Management And Planning Software

CRM Event Management And Planning Software

Task And Event Management

You’ll never be more organized with Asalta CRM Tasks and Events! Set up individual
or recurring tasks to track things like ‘to dos’, log meeting notes or phone calls.

Loyalty Management

Customers say that their choice of retailer is influenced by where they can earn
loyalty rewards.Know how much your customers have spent and what they’ve

Asalta CRM Program Software

Asalta CRM Program Software

Asalta CRM Sales Quotation

Asalta CRM Sales Quotation

Quotation Management

Quote on the go! Send quick quotes with the prepared templates from anywhere
anytime. You need not be in front of your computer to do that anymore.


Reminder displays and manages lists of reminders and makes sure you remember
all of your important dates via easy-to-use lists, alerts right in your dashboard
without the need for a separate calendar program.

Asalta CRM Accelerators Remainder

Asalta CRM Accelerators Remainder

Asalta CRM Project Management Software

Asalta CRM Project Management Software

Project Management

When you are managing complex projects, you can use our easy dashboards and
reports to keep tabs on the project progress.

To Do Task

A To do task is a specific piece of work required to be done within a given time
frame. They are listed in Home page of the user tasks can be assigned by admin to
a user or they can be created by user for their own work required to be done in a
time frame.

CRM To Do Task Module

CRM To Do Task Module


Asalta CRM offers a variety of options to make sure you are well informed. Asalta
CRM reporting functionality includes reports that are centered on sales
opportunities and one around completed activities.

CRM Dashboards And Reporting

CRM Dashboards And Reporting

Ready to get started? or Would you like to learn more?

Try our free 14 day trail and see if our product is right for your business. No credit card, no hassle!